Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Daddy's Boy

Ethan has turned into such a Daddy's boy. I think he looks forward each day to when his daddy walks through the door. Almost every night he wakes up at 11 right when we are heading upstairs to go to bed. He has to come & lay with his daddy & then have daddy put him back to bed. On the weekends he doesn't do this because he knows that when he wakes up in the morning his daddy will be home. On the weekdays he does this because he knows that daddy will not be home when he wakes up. When daddy walks through the door after work Ethan goes running toward him & will be all about his daddy time for the rest of the night. Ethan loves his daddy that's for sure. Ethan would love it if he could have a 3 day weekend with his daddy that would be heaven for him. Right now mommy is just not good enough. Just wait one of these days he'll be a mama's boy :)

Halloween is coming up in just 4 days. Ethan is looking forward to showing off his Harry Potter costume. Mommy had to go out & get him a new wand as he decided to pound his on the fireplace till it cracked. So now it no longer makes sounds or lights up. Daddy & Mommy are also going to dress up with Ethan just for the fun of it. We have decided that since Ethan is going to be baby Harry Potter we are going to be James & Lily Potter (Harry's parents). Halloween is going to be a blast this year. Ethan will be making his rounds in the afternoon before Trick-or- treating because he is going to be helping his parents pass out candy to all the cute little kiddies. We will have his Halloween pictures in time for Halloween. Ethan & I went yesterday to pick them up. We got to the studio only to find out that they were closed for lunc & wouldn't be back for another 45 minutes. So we walked all around JC Penny's for 45 minutes. I was not prepared for that. I was told that we could pick up his pictures on 10/26 between 1-4 & 6-8 (I was there at 2:25) so I didn't have his stroller & I only had socks on him. So I had to carry him all over. He is a little chunky monkey my arms got tired quickly. So I came back to the studio about 3 only to find out that I was told the wrong date & his pictures wouldn't be ready to pick up till Weds. I was a bit annoyed as I wasted 45 minutes walking around waiting for them to come back & I had other things to do. Oh well Matt will pick them up tomorrow after he gets off work. They turned out so cute everyone is going to love them.

Ethan has a new word that he has been saying lately. His new word is "Juice" he points to his sippy & says "Juice." I think that he is also saying "Gone" & "Done" but not quite sure yet if that is what he is saying. He might be a little behind in his language skills though. He doesn't say any phrases yet just single words. Now is the time that he should probably be saying a few 2-4 word phrases. It will come with time we are always using short phrases to him like "Come on", "Stop it", Lets go", ect. Eventually he will catch on. We'll see that the Dr has to say about his language skills we she sees him in Dec.

Ethan is doing so much better in being gentle with the kitty's. He has really taken to giving them kisses & loves to lay his cheeks against their fur. Unfortunately he does still like to hit them. They don't quite trust him just yet. When he approaches them Peek-a-boo runs for it & Carmel gives this look that says "Oh-Oh here comes the kid, should I leave my comfy spot & run for the hills or do I stay & deal with him?" There is going to be a day where Ethan tries to carry them. I don't think he will be able to lift Carmel he's my fat cat & Peek-a-boo is wirey & will use her back claws. It will be interesting to watch.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Ethan's Day Out

I took Ethan to the park this afternoon to let him burn off some of hit pent up energy. He had a blast running around picking things up off the ground. For one little boy he sure does have some energy. This kid never seems to run out of steam. There were a few other kids running around but they didn't seem too interested in wanting to let Ethan play with them. So I chased him instead & took some pictures. He had a good time on the swings too. It's not his favorite thing b/c he can't run but he enjoys it for a bit. I was able to get a few cute pictures although most of my pictures were of the back of his head as he ran away from me. He always on the move.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Ethan's test results are back

We got the results back today from Ethan's last Hyperphe test. His levels cam back at 3.7 which is pretty much the lowest we have seen his levels get. We have been keeping his daily protein intake to 30g/day. We were told that we could let him have about 35g/day & then have him tested again in Dec just before his next appt.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

What a day!!!

Ethan had a busy day yesterday. First he went to get his pictures for Halloween. He looked so cute in his Harry Potter costume. After than we ran home changed his clothes then off to visit some of Grandpa Jim's family. After that it was too late to put him down for a nap so it was a short visit to Grampa Frank then off to visit his great-grandpa. By the time we got home it was 6:30. We had been gone since 10:45. Today he is a bit on the cranky side but he is his usual active self of getting into everything.

Here is a sneak peak at his Halloween pictures.

Fight For Preemies // Bloggers United

November is Preemie awareness month. On 11/17 is Fight for Preemies day. Please visit this website for more information on premature babies or visit the March of Dimes to make a donations.

Fight For Preemies // Bloggers Unite

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Thursday, October 8, 2009

Look what I discovered how to do!!

I was trying to capture a quick video of Ethan dancing tonight but unfortunately was too slow. I had never used the web cam on my computer before. However Ethan showed me how to use it & we captured a video of him. It's pretty cute. Thought I would post it.