Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

We have a busy day planned for tomorrow. Ethan is going to be one very busy boy this Thanksgiving. First he is going to his Great Aunt Cindy's where he will be eating all kinds of food I'm sure. After that he will be going to his Grandma Judy's for dessert. Hopefully there will be time for a nap in between the 2 places.

Ethan has been a busy boy lately. He is a little ball of energy lately. It's amazing how someone so small can have so much energy. I have been trying to take him once a week to Wildwood so he can burn off some of that energy walking the trails. I don't know what it is about the trials but as soon as we get to the trail head he wants to turn around & head back towards the car. It takes a lot of coaxing or just having to pick him up to get him going down the trail. He tends to want to throw an tantrum. Once we get past that point there is this huge rock that he seems to have a thing for. He likes to go up to the rock & give it hugs & kisses. There are all kinds of goodies for him to find. The last time he found this stick that he was very insistent on carrying with us. Eventually he found an even better stick to carry around. He also had a thing for getting into the leaves on the trial. He threw a fit when I wouldn't let him eat them. Yuck. How he can want to put them in his mouth.... eeewww. Unfortunately this week Ethan seemed to just be in a bad mood for wanting to walk through the park. He was great at throwing tantrums for me though. I think we have hit the terrible twos a little early. LOL.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Just a reminder

Just to remind everyone that tomorrow Nov 17, 2009 is Fight for Preemies day. It's important for all of us to know about preemies, to remember those that don't make it & those that survive. A donation band has been made in Ethan's name. All donations will go to the March of Dimes. The March of Dimes uses the money for research & to help families in need. Please take the time to click on the links in the sidebar to learn more about premature births & to make a donation in Ethan's name. If everyone in the U.S were to donate just $5 think of how many families & babies could be helped. This is something that is very important to me since Ethan is a preemie. He was so lucky to not have any serious problems or any major health issues. Many babies are not that lucky.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Make a donation

I have created a donation band in Ethan's name on the March of Dimes website. Please make a donation in his name. Just follow this link by clicking on it to make a donation. You can also find this link in the side bar. Just click on it.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Keep this date in mind

17 months ago Ethan was born 10 weeks early. He was 3lbs 9oz 16.5" long. Now he is 23lbs 32" long. Having a preemie is scary & nerve wracking. We know how lucky we are that Ethan was born so healthy. Not all preemies are that lucky. Many start their lives out with the biggest fight of their lives. It's important to know about preemies & remember all the preemies in our lives. Nov 17 is fight for preemie day. Please click on the link posted below for more information.

Fight For Preemies // Bloggers Unite

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Saturday, November 7, 2009

Video - Dancing Baby

I saw this video & thought it was so cute just had to share it. Just click the link below to view.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

New Pictures

More of Ethan's Halloween pictures

Ethan wearing Matt's Hoodie


Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween

Ethan had a great Halloween yesterday. After his nap we got him dressed in his costume & took him around to family. He looked so cute dressed as Harry Potter. We were disappointed when we opened the 2 new wands. Ethan broke the one I bought him while wacking it on the fireplace. So I got 2 more 1 for Ethan, 1 for one of us & the other broken one would go to the other. I opened 1 & went to put a battery in it & there was no connection for the battery & the other new one lit up but didn't make any noise. Oh well. Ethan can now have all 3 & wack them to his hearts content. Ethan was so cute helping us pass out candy to all the cute little gouls & goblins that came to our door. In the beginning there wasn't a ton right away so he was reaching into the candy bowl & grabbing a few pieces of candy then going over to the baby gate & standing on his tip toe yelling. All the while he had his hands in the air clutching the candy. It was like he was yelling "Hey!! I've got candy!!! Come see me, my names Ethan!" He was having a blast putting candy in the kids bags. About a half hour before trick-or-treating ended he would stand at the top of the porch steps waiting for the kids. As a group would be walking up the drive he would start throwing candy down the steps then go back to the bowl for more. It was like he was saying "Here you go I have more. Come & get it." He was just adorable.

After trick-or-treating was done we packed up & went inside. I set up the camera & took a couple family pictures. We were looking good dressed James & Lily Potter. We made such a cute Potter family. LOL. Ethan played for a bit after we got him dressed in his jammies then he went to bed about 9. It was a great time yesterday. Next year we'll probably take him out trick-or-treating.