Ethan has been quite the little troublemaker this year. What doesn't he get into? We took down the Christmas decorations Jan 2 & he was not a happy camper about it. Once everything was down, put away, & the house straightened up he got royally fussy. He kept going to the dining room crying & pointing to the corner where the tree had been standing. It took him a day or so to get over that his beautiful lights are gone for the year. He had so much fun turning the lights on with his daddy every day. Each day Matt would come home from work & he would take Ethan around the house turning on all the lights. Ethan would get so excited. As we were putting things away I was having him kiss his lights & tell them good bye. Not sure it made it easier but it was pretty darn cute.
Since then Ethan has been terrorizing our poor cats. It seems there is nowhere for them to hide now. We got them a kitty condo so they would have a place to hide from Ethan or just lay around. Unfortunately for them Ethan thinks it's his toy. He has fun climbing on it & chasing the cats out of their hiding place. He has also taken to becoming more aggressive towards the cats. Right now his favorite thing to do is grab them by the tail or the ears & drag them off the chair/couch where they were peacefully sleeping. So we put the kitty condo in the dining room & we keep the gate closed so that the cats can go hide in their condo & Ethan will leave them alone. He loves the cats. He just doesn't understand they don't find what he does to them fun. We have been trying to teach him that if they are on the furniture they are off limits. On the floor they are fair game. Yea that's not going so well but we will keep trying. Carmel takes a lot of Ethan's abuse but even he has a limit. Ethan has been snapped at a couple of times by Carmel for pulling his ears, tail, & fur. Not that we condone the cat snapping at Ethan at the same time Ethan needs to learn to leave them be.
Ethan's proved that he is going to be an electronics man. His favorite things to play with are the computers, cell phone, remote control, & ipods. If he sees them he goes straight for them. I had to replace my cell b/c he was having a blast throwing it around. Can't seem to find a good hiding place for it. He's really good at getting it out of my pockets. Last week he managed to spill my drink on my computer. I had to take it in to get it checked as it wasn't working right. They told me that it would be $40 to just look at it & then to repair it anywhere between $300-$900 to fix. I have a protection plan but it doesn't cover accidental spills that is considered abuse. In the end it cost us $40. There was actually no damage done to any wires, sensors, trackpad, or keys. They just simply cleaned it all up & the computer magically worked. I figured it would be my luck & they would tell me it was going to be $900 if I wanted it fixed. Phew, missed that price tag. Of course something else could go wrong as a result of the spill but nothing was found everything tested out fine. I'll keep my fingers crossed. So now we are taking even more precautions with drinks in the house. We are keeping them on the opposite side of where we are sitting if there is a computer in the area. Me, when not in use it's in the case Matt got me for Christmas. It's supposed to be a waterproof cover & is padded to protect from any kind of droppage. Oh Ethan ever the little mess maker.
We finally got the sled we ordered for Ethan. I took him out last week? I think. Well, whenever we got that 4-6" of snow. He wasn't sure what to make of the snow at first. He walked outside & had this confused look on his face. So I brushed my hands in the snow to show him what it was. He was sticking his mittened little hand in the snow & then rubbing his hands together. Eventually he started stomping around. Once he started to enjoy the snow I got him on his sled & was running him up & down the driveway & around the yard. I hope we get a little more soon so I can run him up & down the driveway. It helps having the space to turn around. I have pictures that I will be posting.
Since we have been keeping the gate closed to the dining room Ethan has not been happy with just the living room to spread his toys all over so we again converted the spare room. First it was a computer room which served us well till he started crawling & kept getting into all the chords so we packed away the desktop & kept the laptops out, less chords for him to get into. So we turned it into a workout room which served us for a few weeks. Matt was unable to use the treadmill in the mornings b/c Ethan's room is directly above the spare room. The vibration & the noise would wake him. He couldn't get in there after work b/c Ethan wants to be with his daddy. So in the end it didn't work for us. So this past weekend we moved the treadmill back to the basement & moved some of Ethan's toys into the room. He has a ball going in there & turning the little tv on & running in & out of the room. It gives him more room to spread out his toys & less pick up for me in the living room. I could care less if that room is messy with his toys at least we won't trip all over them.
This morning after we had breakfast I took Ethan to the basement where he has even more toys. He ran around there while I threw in some laundry & vacumed the carpet. I also had to take care of the fish tanks. While I was changing the water in the medical tank he was all about the big tank. He loves the fish. So I told him "fish". He started repeating me saying "Fish". So now he has another new word. I would point to one of the fish & say "What's that?" He would tell me "fish". I'm so proud. How cool is that? I'll hopefully be adding more fish to my tank soon. I've had 2 die from disease, 1 in the medical tank recovering from fin rot, & now the PH is too low for the live plants I just put in there a couple weeks ago. I may have to get something for that. The plants will help with the ammonia problem that I can't get rid of. Since Ethan loves the fish so much I'd like to keep fish in the tank. For over a year I haven't had too much wrong just high ammonia but over the last 3 weeks seems like everything is wrong. I've put in new filter cartriges, I change them every month. Change the water every 7-10 days, & yet disease still comes up. Oh well I've had these fish for about 2 years it was time for something to happen to them. Ethan would be sad though if there weren't any in there for him to look at.

Not sure what to think

Just being cute
Eating spaghetti
Using his fork