Thursday, May 23, 2013

A Preschool Graduate!

It's official! Ethan is a preschool graduate! He finished pre-k on May 15, 2013. He is officially a kindergardener! We got him registered for kindergarden a couple weeks ago. It's hard to believe that he is entering kindergarden already. It was a very bittersweet feeling when I took him to preschool for the last time. It kind of felt like it did the day I dropped him off for his first day. Only this time I didn't cry LOL.

In less than 2 weeks Ethan will be turning 5. This year he is having a construction themed birthday party. Which is funny because his preschool graduation was a construction theme. A perfect fit for him. He is very excited because he invited his friends from preschool. At this point I know of 2 who will be coming but I'm sure more will be there. He will be so excited to see his friends again!

Ethan has had a hard time with accepting that school is over and that he will not be going back to that school. We will be playing outside and he will just suddenly get very sad. I will ask him what is wrong and he tells me that he doesn't want to leave Miss Tiffany and how he just wants to play with his friends. It quite heartbreaking really. He made some good friends this year and he just adored his teacher. I'm hoping that I can get phone numbers and addresses from the friends that come to his party so that I can get him together with them over the summer. One of the girls that he played with actually lives just about 5 minutes away from us so I will definitely be making sure to get him together with her. I try to give him things to do to take his mind off what he is missing but it doesn't help much. It's just not the same. He will make new friends in kindergarden next year but they won't replace the ones he made this year.

I was working on a little movie for him for his birthday and was hoping to have it done by his party but unfortunately my computer died. The hard drive finally went bad. All my pictures and videos were on it. We took it to Best Buy and they are going to attempt to retrieve my stuff. It's going to take some time though. Hopefully they can succeed and I can get it finished up. I was going to post a ton of pics on Finlay's blog as well as I've been horrible about it (my bad) but I will have to wait. So cross your fingers that Best Buy succeeds.

I did however video tape Ethan's graduation program on my phone and that was never put onto the computer so I have fixed it up a little bit and uploaded it to YouTube. I will post it at the end of this post. My videographing was pretty bad due to a Finlay trying to climb on me LOL. So forgive the horrible moving about.

Ethan is still doing gymnastics he's got a couple more weeks until they let out for a couple weeks for summer break. He loves his classes so we will continue him with summer classes. They start at the end of June. They haven't opened up registration yet for summer classes but they should be doing that soon. So I don't know what day he will be going. He will be moving into the 5/6 year old class and they usually have a slightly smaller class. He will still be in the preschool gym though until he is in first grade then he will move to the other gym. He's come a long way since his first day in gymnastics. He used to need help on the bar to flip forwards and now he can do that without any assistance. Last week they were working on flipping backwards and he was able to get halfway over before needing a little assistance. A month ago he couldn't even get his feet folded over the bar. Gymnastics is the perfect place for him to be because he is such a monkey at home. He has taken to climbing the doorways and can get to the top. It took him 2 weeks to figure out how to do it. Miss Heather, one of his preschool teachers, was telling me that when they take the kids out onto the playground that he is impressive on the swingset rings. He does things that most kids his age can't do. She asked me if I had him in any kind of sports so I told her about his gymnastics class and she thought it's a good place for him to be. As long as he continues to enjoy gymnastics we are going to keep him in it.

Here is the link to view the video of Ethan's Preschool Program.