Thursday, April 23, 2009

Only Ethan

Only Ethan can leave little surprises for me. This morning I went to check on him to see if he was awake yet. If he wasn't I was going to go workout then get him up. I peeked in his room & he was lying in his bed completely buck naked, no diaper. Further inspection showed he ripped his siaper off then poo'd in the bed. My jaw dropped. It was everywhere. On the wall, the railings, the sheets, caked on his hands & feet, & he managed to get it all over his nose too. I had to soak him in the bath tub before I could scrub it off. I laughed the whole time. Granted it was definately a big mess to clean up but it was quite a funny sight at the same time. For some reason though it seems to have upset Ethan. He has been crying most of the morning. Once I got him bathed & ripped the sheets off the bed & brought him & the bedding downstairs. I plunked him in his high chair to eat then ran the bedding to the washing machine to soak while I fed him. After I got him fed I ran back downstairs & ran 1/2 the bedding in the wash (it was too much to wash at a time) & then ran upstairs to get a quick workout in. By the time I was ready for a shower I had to run the washer again cause it hadn't all come off it did after the second washing. So now I have his sheet & comforter in the wash going through it's first cycle. It will need a second. After that I took Ethan to his room with me so he could be with me while I cleaned the wall & the railings. He was not a happy camper about this. I keep telling him it's not a big deal dont worry mommy thinks its funny. I don't think he gets that though. So funny yet so not funny. Someday I will tell this story to Ethan & he's going to give me this look that says "Mo-om that is so not cool."

If you read my last post about Kayleigh there's an update on her. She's not doing well at all. Yesterday she did finally open her eyes & start to move around but it's all involuntary movement. She has a blank stare, doesn't respond to touch or sound, her arms & legs just move in all directions. There's no purpose to her movement. CT-scan shows that either during surgery or shortly after surgery she lost oxygen/bloodflow to her brain. Dr's are baffled b/c her BP never went low. All her sats were good. But the scan does show that there is damage to her brain. They aren't sure if it is permanent & how severe. There are more tests to be done & there is still the posibility of brain death. I heard about this little baby through a story on a website I visit & I read her story. She was never supposed to survive the pregnancy then was not supposed to survive the delivery. Yet over the last 10 mos she has survived against all the odds. She is really a miracle baby & a true inspiration. Her survival is slim but there is always hope. I am so sad for this family. They have lost so much in their fight to bring her home. I want things to turn around for them b/c they truly deserve it. If you are interested in reading her story you can go to

I haven't heard from anyone about the Ethan bracelets. I wish we could afford to buy the bracelets for everyone but we have so many projects that need to be done around the house that we just can't do it. I still need to know by next weekend & will need the money by then. They are only $5/bracelet & there is a link in the sidebar for PayPal to pay for them. It's just easier to do it that way. Please let me know you can just leave a comment in the comment section of the blog.