Ethan had a fun & exciting day today. He watched Matt put together his bike trailor, then he had lunch with us, then he went with us on a bike ride, then he watched us empty his pool when we got back home. Now he's playing with Matt. What a day!
Last night we had gotten his pool all inflated & filled hoping that it was going to be a nice day for a swim. Unfortunately it turned out to be too cool. Didn't matter anyways. After all the work to inflate it we find that the bottom tier has a leak. So we had to empty it & deflate it. Tomorrow we are going to look for the leak. I don't have the receipt so I don't really want to go through the hassle of having to try to exchange it through receipt look up. If we can seal the leak we are good to go.
Ethan started saying another word today. All day he has been going around saying "Bop" We think that he is trying to say stop. A word we have to tell him quite often. He started saying it when I was changing his diaper. He was turning his body every which way & trying to stand up. It was a poopy diaper so I really didn't care to see it get smeared all over b/c he wouldn't lay still. I kept telling him to stop, lay still, hold on, ect. He just started saying "Bop" so then I would tell him I'm not Bop I'm mom. He still hasn't said mama yet. So for the rest of the say he goes around saying "Bop". It's very cute.
He loved his bike ride today. He was laughing, talking, & squealing while we were out. Poor Matt wore out quickly. Guess he wasn't in as good of shape as he thought. That just means we'll have to ride more often. I had forgotten hoe hard the seat on my bike was. I haven't ridden in 2 years. Last year I was preggers so I couldn't ride. I once had a padded cover but it was stolen off my bike a few years back while I ran in & dropped off a movie at the video store. I will have to get another one. It's really rough on the caboose.
Here are the pictures I took today:
(I took these a few days ago)
Excitable Ethan
Adorable Ethan
I have no title for this one
You can never start beer drinking too early
In his bike trailor
Going for a ride
Ethan enjoys his ride w/Grover
Relaxing while dad does all the work
Watching the pool being emptied

Matt bailing out the pool
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