Monday, July 6, 2009

My little cutie pie

Ethan was so cute today. He is now all about walking. He has managed to figure out how to stand up w/o assistance. He can't do it every time but he's getting better. We had to move his room about a little bit as he has started to pull the plug to his monitor from the outlet so his bed & dresser are flipped now. He was being so cute today that I got some really cute pictures of him. There were so many cute ones it was hard to chose which ones to post.

Ethan just up from a nap

Mom, I am not amused.

Watching Baby Galileo

Just being cute

I love my Baby Einstein

Just hanging out

Chilling in his chair

Enjoying Baby Einstein

Look at how bendable I am

I don't want to sit any more

Climbing back in my chair

The sippy is upside down

Peek-a-boo just hanging out

Carmel taking a nap

Carmel & Peek-a-boo never get much attention I had to give them a smidge of attention.