Friday, April 23, 2010

Curiosity killed the cat

What does Ethan & Curious George have in common? Answer, their curiosity always gets them in trouble. So what did Ethan do this time? Well, on Monday I took him down to the basement with me so I could get in a quick workout on the treadmill. I have been trying to walk a mile or more each day during the week in an attempt to get myself back in shape & lose a little weight. Ethan was sitting in one of the pillow chairs with Lambie. He dropped his buddy & had to get down to get him & of course he was intrigued by the CD's in the rack behind the treadmill. So he was going for the CD's & when he lost his balance he grabbed the treadmill to help himself. His poor little fingers got skinned & a little burned from the track. He's OK but his fingers are a little sore. I have been keeping them covered with antibiotic ointment, gauze, & band aides. Fortunately it doesn't slow him down he just doesn't like it when we change his bandages. Today I just started putting just the ointment & the band aides on his fingers. I never realized that the track was actually that dangerous. We are always hearing about the dangers of all the wires & chords that are hanging so I made sure that those were all tied up. I am now looking for a used superyard with an extension gate to put around the treadmill to help keep him away from it while it is in use. I found one on E-Bay I am just watching it to see if any bids are made on it. For now I just am not letting him out of my sight. Ethan is not always one to learn his lesson the 1st time so it's important to keep him in my sights at all times. The joys of having an active boy right?

So this Sunday is the March for Babies walk. Our team has raised almost $500 which is very exciting. I gave up on the idea of making our team shirts it was just to freaking time consuming & I just wasn't very good at it so I ordered shirts instead. They have been delivered to my walkers who signed up for the walk. The company who did the shirts made a $20 contribution to our team & sent me an e-mail saying that next year to contact them so they can sponsor us. Also if I send in a picture of everyone wearing the shirts to them they will put my name in a drawing to win a $100 credit towards my next purchase from them. The shirts look great (much better than I could do on my own) & everyone is going to look awesome. We ae very excited about this walk. Too bad that it is going to rain. I went out today & bought a plastic cover for Ethan's stroller to keep him dry. We are all bringing our umbrellas too. After the walk we are all going out to eat to celebrate our success. Wish us luck. If you still want to make a donation to our team you can do so through tomorrow. Just click on the badge in the side bar. Be on the look out for pictures. Rain or no rain I will have my camera!!

Last weekend was a very exciting weekend for Ethan. We finally got the flooring down in the basement & it looks great. He was all about watching his daddy & grandpa's. He even wanted to get in on the action. I will post a few pictures at the end of this post.

Next week Ethan will be attending his 1st musical. My niece is in her High School musical they are doing Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory. I wonder how well he will actually sit through it. Guess we will see. He loves music it's the one thing I can rely on to calm him when he's having one of his moods so he may do alright. Plus he might enjoy the live action. Macey goes to my alma mater & this is the 1st time I have stepped foot in the school pretty much since I graduated 10 yrs ago. I am so excited to see her in this play she is really having a good time doing it from what I hear.

Here are pictures of the basement:


Ethan helping

The floor is down


Where we put everything

All cleaned up

Ethan showing how much he loves it

Completely done