You know the saying "Kids say the darnedest things"? Well I think Ethan has topped the cake. Monday morning I was snuggling with him in bed & he was pointing to things of Matt's & saying "dada". So I kept saying "Yea that's dada's". So he comes back to me snuggles in again then grabs one of the twins & tells me "dada"! I was thinking oh my he's spending way to much time with his daddy. Ha ha ha!! I had to explain to Ethan that those belong to mommy. He didn't seem to think so.
Last weekend Ethan went with us to see Macey in her school musical. He loved every minute of it. They did Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory & he was all about sitting there & watching. Every time Macey came onto the stage he started pointing right at her. Ethan is into music. There is this one commercial that uses a Willy Wonka song & every time it comes on he stops in his tracks & watches it. He was so good during the show. Barely made a sound except to point out a ball or bubbles. I had a feeling that he would probably sit through the show. He loves when I sing to him & he likes to sing along to the music in the car as well.
Ethan is starting to talk more now. Not too many phrases just words. His newest words are door, garbage, moose, bike ride, side (outside), & wash. He likes to tell thing bye bye when we are leaving & he's quick to tell people bye bye when he wants to get moving.
Ethan is going to be 2 next month!! Where has the time gone. For his 2nd b-day we are going to give his room a bit of an upgrade. Since he is really into the aquariums we are going to give him an aquarium room. I found a cute boarder & wall decals, as well as framed art with different fish. I also found a cute aquatic lamp as well. He's going to get a big boy room since he's becoming a big boy now. He's going to love his room when we get it finished.
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