Ready.....Set........Potty!! Yes that's right Ethan is yet again taking another stab at potty training. This time I am not letting him make the call he will be potty trained. LOL. I So today was Day 1 of his potty training. I had him in regular undies & every 30 min he was put on the potty. Since I am doing every 30 mins I have his potty in the living room for now. Otherwise I will be spending all my time running up & down the stairs & well let's face it that can get exhausting. When I get to the point where he is going every hour then I will move his potty to the bathroom. I am trying to get him to learn that he has to take a couple mins out of his busy schedule of playing to use the potty. If he pees on the potty he gets a special cookie (Nilla Wafer's). In a few days (if he starts to have dry undies every 30 mins) I will bump up the time to 40 mins. I am hoping to have this child potty trained during the day by the end of the week.
Yesterday Ethan & I went over to a friends house to give her a gift for her new little baby that is on the way (due in 7 wks). Ethan had a blast playing with her 19 month old little guy. I'll take him over again after she's had the baby. She said she will be on maternity leave in a couple weeks so I am welcome to bring Ethan over again so the boys can play. I have a couple pictures that I took with my phone that I will have at the end of this post of the boys playing. With them being so close in age Ethan has a nice little playmate.
Here are the pictures of Ethan & Isaac playing

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