Sunday, October 3, 2010

Another Oh Ethan Moment

I have been told that I have the "Parenthood"child. I have never seen the movie but I guess I need to.

Ethan has had a few "Oh Ethan" moments this week. First a few nights ago Matt wanted some Swiss Cake Rolls so he shared with Ethan. He opened a pack gave one to Ethan & kept one for himself. Ethan had taken a bite out of his SCR & all of a sudden he grabs the one out of Matt's hand & stuffs it in his mouth is one motion. So then Matt asks Ethan if he can have a bite of his. Ethan strongly tells Matt no then hides his SCR behind his back & tells Matt "All gone." Then he proceeded to eat the rest of his snack. I couldn't stop laughing it was so cute. Then yesterday (he was on a roll yesterday) Matt & Ethan ran up to the store for some chips & dip (football food). When they get back Ethan got the cheese dip out of the fridge then steals the bag of chips & brings them to me (he loves the cheese dip). I told him "Thank you, can you take the dip back to Dada so we can heat it up. We need to have the cheese melted a bit to eat it." Ethan kept insisting I take the chips & dip. I did manage to get him to take the dip back to Matt but his feelings were hurt b/c he thought I didn't want what he brought me. So he took the chips & dip back to Matt telling him "MomMom No." Matt tried to explain to him that the cheese was in the fridge & it needs to be heated a little so that it melts & makes a nice dip. Of course Ethan was a happy camper after we got the cheese heated up b/c he pigged out on it. After the Buckeye game we ran to Target to pick out a new decoration to add to our collection (it's a annual ritual for Halloween & Christmas) & we also bought Ethan's costume (He's going to be Curious George). Then we visited with Uncle Bubba (Ethan's name for my brother Brian), and finally we went to Grammy Marcia's for dinner. So, after dinner Marcia, Matt & I were sitting at the table talking & Ethan brought us this doll house he found in the toy box. The house was a foldable 2 floor house with a kitchen & living area on the lower level & bedroom & bathroom on the upper level. Ethan was fascinated with the bathroom. There was a potty in it for the dolls that had a lid the lifted up & down. He told us "potty" then stands up & pulls his pants down b/c he was going to use the dollhouse potty. When Matt asked him if he had to potty he pulled his pants up & then a few seconds later pulled his pants down again to use the potty. So he was taken to the real potty. He was a bit upset that we wouldn't let him use the dollhouse potty. It was adorable. One of those moment's where you wish you had a video camera going. Then this morning he was hanging with his Dada watching George. Ethan has this thing with picking his nose. We chose not to fight this battle & just ignore it. So the next thing Matt knows Ethan wipes a booger in his hand & tells him "Booger". Not what Matt expected him to do.  This is a slap hand to the forehead, shake head "Oh Ethan" moment.

Ethan is on a roll this week with his cute "Oh Ethan" moments. As he gets older I have the feeling that is something we will be saying a lot.