Sorry I am so late in getting this posted.
Ethan had a great Halloween this year (not than he's never had a great Halloween). He went to his grandparents for a little early afternoon trick or treating (of course dressed in his costume). His first stop was Grandpa Jim's & Grammy Marcia's. He got to see Aunt Katie as well and as always the first thing he did was raid the fridge looking for the Redi Whip (Grammy Marcia & Daddy started a bad habit LOL). He visited there for about an hour and then it was off to Grandpa Pauls & Grammy's Nett's. He had lunch with them & got a little treat too. As always his favorite thing there was to go for the wooden ducks. He just loves to carry those ducks around. After about an hour visit there it was off to Uncle Bubba's (Brian) to see Grandpa Frank, Bubba, & Macey. He got treats there too. He had fun playing with Uncle Bubba & raiding the candy dish. After about an hour there it was home we headed to get ready for all the Trick or Treater's.
Ethan headed out for Trick or Treating just a little after 6. I was really surprised at how few houses were passing out candy on our street. I originally planned on just hitting the houses on our street but since there weren't that many we headed over to Aunt Robin's (I was hoping to see the kids on the way over but they must have gone in the opposite direction of our house first). Ethan pretty much did not want to walk so I ended up carrying him from our neighbors house (he ran right over to them b/c he sees them all the time) to Aunt Robins which is about 3 or 4 blocks. Of course we stopped at houses on the way over. When we got to Aunt Robin's Grammy Marcia & Grandpa Jim were there passing out candy so Robin & Seamus could take Kaitlin & Colin out. Ethan did not want to leave either. He kept getting into the toy box wanting to play with the balls. It was purdy darn cute. I didn't care too much b/c my arms were dead after having to carry him the whole way (he's 27 lbs now). I did eventualy coax him to go with me though. We headed back towards home & by the time I hit our street more houses were passing out candy. So all in all he hit about 15-20 houses. Needless to say I did all the leg work he gets all the candy LOL.
Of course I have pictures, this post would be boring if I didn't.
In the car |
At Grandpa Jim's & Grammy's Marcia's |
Raiding the fridge |
Getting ready for lunch with Grammy Nett |
I hate this hood |
Getting into Uncle Bubba's video games |
A helmet to crash into walls with |
Watching football |
Getting love from Uncle Bubba (Brian) |
Getting my coat on |
Getting my costume back on |
Heading off Trick or Treating |
Off we go! |
I have more pictures (not from Halloween) to post but I will post them another day
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