Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Ethan had a great time Saturday night at Chris & Lisa's wedding. Before the bridal party arrived he was getting down with his bad self to Celine Dion. He danced himself right off the chair he was standing on. Ethan got to eat his dinner with our good friend Michael who he hasn't seen since November. It was great to see him again. After dinner Ethan found himself a couple older women to flirt with. He was all about running around & dancing. Deanna & I took him out onto the dance floor but he spotted his daddy & he was all about getting to daddy. It was a good time.

Yesterday Ethan decided to feed himself with a fork for the first time. I let him try with a spoon but the wall ended up wearing a little of his breakfast so I said no. He likes to hold spoons upside down so I think we'll let him master the fork first. I was so proud I was able to get video of it on my cell phone I'll try to get that posted soon. My computer is not yet set up to take video off my phone.

Ethan's Halloween costume is pretty much completed. He's going to be baby Harry Potter. Matt & I are hoping to find some costumes so we can dress as James & Lily Potter (Harry's parents). He's going to look so cute.

There are some new pictures below