Thursday, November 11, 2010

Let's Talk about Ethan

Have you ever seen those commercials with the Energizer Bunny? You know the ones that say "The Energizer Bunny, he keeps going and going and going." Well I think I was wrong when I gave Ethan his name. I think I should have named him Energizer LOL. He has had a bit of a cold this week but that sure hasn't stopped him one bit. He is full of energy & spunk. Oh how I wish I could have just an ounce or two of his energy. Boy would that help in being able to chase after him cleaning up his messes.

Ethan had an appointment on Tues. with the endocronologist for his hyperphe. He weighed in at 28lbs and35.63". This puts him about 31% for weight and 43% for height. We had his labs drawn on Saturday but the results have not come back yet. He is still at 43g of protein a day but if his results come back lower they may want to up his protein intake then do another blood draw to see how he handles it. So everything is going very well for him.

What else has Ethan been up to? Let me think. Well he is now saying his name which I have video of and will most definitely post at the end of this post. A few nights ago I asked him what he name was and he wouldn't tell me so I asked him:

What's my name?
You're MomMom
What's his name? 
That's Dada.
What's your name?
It's hard not to laugh at that. So then later on we tried it again. So Matt asked him:
What's her name?
That's MomMom
What's the cat's name?
That's Carmel
What's my name?
You're Dada
What's your name?
I'm Me!
Does it get any cuter than that!? So then yesterday I was getting him around to go have lunch with his daddy and I told him if he told me his name I would give him Moose back so he told me "E-tan". Then when I got him in his car seat he dropped one of his plastic eggs that he loves to have in the car so I turned on the video on my phone and told him to tell me his name and I would give him the egg. It took some coaxing but I managed to capture him saying his name. Now he will pretty much tell me what his name is. It is so stinking adorable to hear him say his name. After lunch with dada we went and visited Grandpa Frank. Ethan was such a little stinker. He told me he had to go potty so I took him to the potty he barely went then tells me "All done!" I asked him to make sure he was done before he got off the potty. He just kept saying "Done!" then right as I went to help him off he tells me "Shake it" b/c that is what we taught him. To shake all the drips off before putting his pants. Then barely 10 mins later he was soaked so my dad said he'd throw his pants in the dryer and I put Ethan in a diaper I had in my purse. After a half hour my dad went to check and see if Ethan's pants were dry and Ethan followed him to the laundry room and asks "Are they done?" That's a first he has ever said that but it's so cute. He is really starting to talk a lot more now and sentences are starting to become a little more clearer. It's so impressive! He is growing up so quick.

Like I promised here is the video of him saying his name. I also have just an audio recording I took today but I don't think I can upload that here or I don't know how.