Monday, January 30, 2012

Fun Filled Weekend

Ethan had a great weekend this week. Saturday we went to Costco where he (and his daddy) enjoyed snacking on all the free food. They would spend all day there snacking if I would let them. Then yesterday we met up with Killian and his parents and spent the day at Imagination Station. None of us has ever been there before but it was a good time. The boys had so much fun running around and playing with things. I think their favorite spot was over in the electricity station at a spinning table. They also had a blast with the crane. But the best spot was when they got to shoot tennis balls up to the ceiling. It was so hard to pry them away from that location to go have lunch and of course they both had meltdowns in the cafeteria b/c they didn't want to stop for food. I think just about every kid that came into the cafeteria had a meltdown. After that we headed over to this one area where it was all about psychedelic images. The boys had so much fun in the tilt house and thought it was hilarious watching their parents slam into the walls. When we left we all decided we will be investing in memberships there. It's a great place to go during the winter or on a rainy day. They both are already talking about going back together. I made sure to bring the camera so I would have pictures to post.

Ethan has been enjoying all the nice gifts that he got at Christmas. He's been watching his movies just about every day and he has been playing his Mobigo every day. The Mobigo has really helped him to learn. The other day he was playing the Elmo game I bought him and he was pointing out all the animals on the screen and telling me what they were before the game said the name. Then he was telling me all about fruits. He has started to recognize his letters much better and has been working on his numbers but I swear that child has an aversion to numbers. He would rather play his letters game than deal with numbers. I sure hope he doesn't take after me when it comes to numbers and math. I am horrible with them. He has been enjoying all his books and he likes to read them before going to bed. We read him a story but he likes to sit and look at the pictures on his own and fall asleep looking at a book. He even tries to read to Moose, Penguin, and Frog.

Ethan is growing up so fast! I can't believe that in Sept he will be in pre-school. The other day I was looking through my photo albums on my Facebook page and I came across pictures of him doing his silly face and when he was just learning to walk and I couldn't believe that he was once that small. Of course he has just gotten cuter over the years. Well that and smarter. He has figured out how to open baby gates and the baby locks don't stop him either. Some days I think he might just be too smart for his own good :)

I have already started putting together the team for the March For Babies. It will be April 15 at 5/3 Field. This is our 3rd year walking. The last 2 years it has been so much fun and this year I have 2 reasons to walk. Ethan and Finlay. I sent out e-mails to all last years walkers or contacted them through Facebook. This year we are also participating in the Kickoff. It's on Feb 13 at the Sylvania Playland. It's free you just have to rsvp by Feb 8 which I also sent out e-mails about with all the information and where you can rsvp. It should be a good time. The kids get to play and there are crafts for older kids, free food, and team leaders can collect all their information. We will also get to meet this years ambassador family. It should be a good time. I am looking forward to the walk this year and being able to do it with my 2 beautiful boys.