Monday, March 23, 2009

The surprises just keep rolling in

Tuesday, Feb 3, 2009

Well Ethan is feeling much better. The reason for him not feeling so well yesterday.............. he cut another tooth. I was giving him a bottle last night before putting him to bed. I noticed that he was grinding his jaw. It sounded like there was something hard in his mouth. Of course he wouldn't let me check so I just waited till he fell asleep & rubbed my finger over his gums. Low & behold I could feel the ridges of a tooth coming in on the top. I don't like that he is grinding his teeth though. It was a bad habit I had as a child & not always easy to break. Even after he fell asleep he continues to grind his teeth. I didn't really know what to do about that so I put a binky in his mouth to stop it (I really hate those things only resort to them rarely). I think once the tooth has come in he'll stop right now he's just trying to get it through. At least that explains why he was throwing up & so fussy. It's so exciting that this is happening but also a little sad b/c he's is growing so fast. I love watching all these things happening to him & I am so happy that I can be home with him so I don't miss out on anything. Every day is an adventure with Ethan.