Monday, March 23, 2009

Teething Nightmare

Tuesday, Dec 30, 2008

Ethan's bottom teeth are really starting to come in. Unfortunately he has really been fussy with this. Sunday night he had a reflux episode which he hasn't had in a few months. Then yesterday he was really crabby for most of the day. Then for some reason around 8pm he just started having major issues with his reflux. He never did get his last bottle for the night. He threw up 3x by 11:30 last night & then again this morning around 5. Fortunately that has now seemed to pass but who knows I may be speaking too soon. Today he's been so-so. I've been trying to get him to chew on a teether but he is not interested in holding it himself he wanted me to hold it for him. I won't do that b/c it's not encouraging him to grab onto things. We need to always constantly work with him on these things. He seems to be happier when he's chewing on a blanket, burp cloth, or daddy's fingers. Whatever works. Poor Ethan teething hurts.