Monday, May 11, 2009

Ethan's Birthday

With Ethan's Birthday coming up it's going to come up what he needs. Right now Ethan could use clothes for this summer or clothes for the fall. He's wearing 12M now so he will be needing 18M sizes. He could also use socks. Many of the socks he has are starting to get small on his feet. We don't have any onsies for him he could use some 12M & 18M plain onsies. When we get into the more warmer weather he won't be wearing too many jammy's he'll just be sleeping in litlle onsies. It can get quite warm upstairs. He could use a few toys that he can push around the house to help him with his walking. But for the most part he is good to go on toys. He still has a few drawers full of toys in the basement that he is yet to grow into. Currently Ethan is not into toys he's into the cats toys though. Ethan is no longer using bottles he is into sippy cups right now. He could use some regular childrens cups. We are working a bit with him on drinking out of a cup. He's getting better at it but he needs some work. LOL. He could also use some divided plate sets. I know that the Gerber brand is the best price. He is good on silverware I just bought some a few weeks ago. Hopefully that will help people find something for him.

Ethan gave me a good Mamma's Day yesterday. I got a cute card from him & a candle that is melon scented. Then he & Matt took me out for an early lunch at Cafe Maries. We pretty much spent our day putting up ceiling fans in our room & Ethan's room. It was great b/c I got to spend the day with Matt & Ethan. That's what mattered to me. Ethan was such a big help in getting the fans up. He was picking up all the things that Matt dropped & then I helped by taking away all the things that Matt dropped. Ethan can be such a big help when he wants to be. Although most of the time he creates more work for us when he helps.

The bracelets arrived today so I will have them ready for Ethan's party. His Invites are going to be going out sometime this week so be on the lookout for them soon.