This is important information regarding Ethan's Hyperpe. As you read this please read it carefully.
We got the results back today from Ethan's blood work. His level went up to 8.65. He took in 2500g of phe per day. This is much more from the 1600 he took in the last time. His Tyrosene levels were normal at 104. We are going to have to change how we are feeding him. We have already stopped giving Ethan the powdered milk with each meal which is 300g less. What we are being told to do is Ethan can only have 50g of protein per day at this time. Each gram of protein that he takes in has 45g of phe in it. By taking in only 50g of protein he will only be taking in 2250g of phe in a day. We need to keep track of how much protein is in each thing that Ethan eats. In order to measure how much grams he is getting when we give him chicken, potatoes, ect things that don't come with the diet label on them we will need a gram scale to measure it all out. Matt & I will be getting one in the next few days. We will be creating a chart to help us calculate out how many grams of protein are in the liquids that he drinks. To give an example if we give him 7oz of pure formula that is 3.8g of protein. For every 5oz of his formula that he drinks he is getting 2.1g of protein. If he is getting regular cows milk we know that there is 8g of protein per every 240ml of milk. 8oz of cows milk is 8g of protein. 1 egg is 6g of protein. We have to watch labels now. Some fruits have 0g protein & those are ok for him. Ethan will be tested again in 3 weeks to see where his levels are at with the new diet. Deb will also be sending us a booklet that has protein counts for things that don't come with a diet label.
Here's what all this means. Ethan CANNOT have anything that we don't know about. If we are eating at some ones house we need to know how much protein is in the fruit, milk, ect before he eats it. For things like meats, potatoes, vegetables we will need our gram scale to determine that.
It needs to be understood that this diet has to be followed exactly. A prolonged amount of time with levels this high could lead to brain damage, or mental retardation. As his levels were only this high for no longer than 20 days there is no great concern there.
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