Friday, July 16, 2010


I have never heard of a child being obsessed with as many things as Ethan is! Right now his main obsession seems to be garbage. Yes folks that's right I said garbage. He walks around all day telling me garbage. He likes to throw things in the garbage. Too bad not everything he throws in the garbage is really garbage. He throws his shoes in the garbage, once he threw my phone in the garbage (good thing I saw him & was able to rescue it), toys, books, you name it. He likes to scream "Garbage" as we drive down the street pointing at the garbage cans. He seems to think that garbage is something special. Maybe he will be a garbage man when he grows up.

He second obsession is bikes. Everywhere we go he has to point out people riding their bikes, motercycles, or bikes parked in front of a building. We took him to the park one day & a family rode their bikes in. He is so obsessed with bikes that he did not want to leave their bikes alone. We had to keep chasing him away from the bikes. He loves to ride his tricycle around. He got 2 for his b-day so we keep one in the basement & another outside. He doesn't pedal yet he scoots it around with his feet. He goes around telling us "BiRi" He also likes to look at our bikes & tell us who's bike is who's.

Finally his third obsession is shoes. When we go out he is constantly pointing out to us that people are wearing shoes. One day we were over at his Grammy Marcia's & Aunt Kate put on Matt's shoes so Ethan got upset demanding to her "Dada Shoes". He wanted her to take his dada's shoes off. It was quite funny. He will be running around the house in nothing more than a diaper but he insists that we put his shoes on.

Ethan has other obsessions too, he love Curious George, fish, & bubbles. Well at least those are normal childhood obsessions. Who would have thought that a child could be obsessed with things like garbage or shoes. Bike riding is fairly normal too. He just really loves his bike rides. I just don't get the obsession with garbage. It came out of no where. Garbage is so disgusting I really hope this is a temporary obsession. LOL!! Oh well his cuteness makes up for his weird obsessions. It's a good thing he's cute.

Did anyone catch NICU on Discovery Health last night? I thought it was pretty good. The first episode was about 2 different babies one born @ 36 wks the other born @35 wks. Each baby had it's own struggle. The 2nd episode was about 2 babies one was born to a diabetic mother, the other was born to a morbidly obese mother. Here is a link to one of the babies stories. Baby Ariah went home after 11 days in the NICU. Baby Trey went home after 13 days. I do not have a video on Trey unfortunately. If you can tune in next week it's in Thursday nights at 10 on Discovery Health.

 Baby Ariah