Once Upon A Time there was this little boy named Ethan. Ethan was the cutest little thing. He was so anxious to meet his mommy & daddy that he couldn't wait 10 more weeks so he came early. Ethan was the sweetest little thing his mommy & daddy had ever met. He was full of smiles, filled their days with laughter & snuggles. He had a passion for reading & he loved a good chase. Ethan grew to be 1 & he was the handsomest 1 year old on the block. The ladies fawned over Ethan. Everywhere he went he got Ooo's & aaahh's and "Isn't he adorable's!" Then one day Ethan turned into this screaming, whining, tantrum throwing monster. What caused him to turn? Well my avid readers it's called the Terrible Two's. Yes, that's right. The Terrible Two's moved in. They overtook Ethan. His mommy & daddy didn't even recognize their little boy anymore. They would look at eachother & say "Who is this child? Certainly he doesn't belong to us! Our child is a sweet angel who is full of laughter & smiles. This child is full of tears, wailing, & screeching. This can't possibly be our child." Oh what little they knew it was their child. His mommy & daddy would do everything to make their angel happy but nothing ever worked. He didn't want to be hugged & loved, he didn't want to play with his toys, he didn't want to do anything. He refused to eat the food they would give him, instead he would sit & cry as they would make him sit at the table until he ate his food. His parents were always able to outlast him. He didn't play with his parents he hit them & ran around the house throwing things. When they took him outside all he did was whine. He wanted to ride his bike but he didn't want to ride his bike. He wanted to swim in his pool but he didn't want to swim in his pool. So in the end he would run from one thing to another whining & crying. He decided that he didn't want to take a nap when his mommy would put him down for one. She would read him a story but he didn't want to sit with her while she read he would jump on the bed. So she would abandon the story & lay him back down & sing to him. But he didn't want to listen to her sing he wanted to kick & flail his feet & see if he could hit his mommy. So his mommy would just say "Fine, be that way but you're not leaving this room." She would shut his door behind him hoping that he would eventually just fall asleep. Sometimes he did sleep other times he played with his toys or destroyed his room. His mommy refused to take him out she would just let him do what he wanted in there. His mommy had had enough & just needed a break. When his daddy came home she would tell him what kinds of things his little monster had been up to. So his daddy would go to get Ethan & he would tell him that he heard he hadn't been a good boy. He would try to explain to him that he needed to eat if he wanted to be strong enough to play & that he needed his naps so that he would feel energized to play. Ethan wouldn't hear it. The Terrible Two's had taken over & they were there to stay. To this day the Terrible Two's are still there. His parents have just learned to ignore his tantrums. He doesn't get to do what he wants unless he eatsor takes his naps. He is put in time out for hitting & throwing things. All they can do is hope that someday their sweet angel will be returned to them.
THE ENDI hope everyone enjoyed my story. I hope everyone had a good July 4. Ethan had a fun day. We took him over to Uncle Brian's so he could play with his cousin Macey. He had been asking for her all week. He was so excited to see her. After we left there we ran home to pack up our cooler to take to the park with us for the fireworks. When we got there we set up camp close to a tank & cannons on display. Very cool. Unfortunately the owners of the tank & cannons shot them off shortly before the fireworks. We were sitting in an area where there were a lot of little kids & infants. There was no warning they just let 'em rip. Poor Ethan was crying from the noise of them. We managed to keep his ears covered with our hands until they were done. It was cool for us to see the tank but unfortunately he was terrified though. He did OK once we covered his ears. I was really surprised that he stayed awake for them but he did. I took video of the display but sadly it's too big of a file for me to be able to download onto the internet. I do have a few pictures to post at the end of this post
We got the results back from Ethan's last phe test & his levels were 3.4. That's based on a 35g protein diet. Whether he is actually eating a full 35g is debatable. We calculate his meals to 35g but he's become one of those kids who refuses to eat what he is given so he's probably only getting about half of what we give him. As far as I know the Dr wants to keep him on the 35g for now. I don't think we have been told otherwise.
I'm having issues with loading pictures onto here so I can't put captions with the pictures :( BOO!! I'm working on getting the issue fixed hopefully it will be fixed soon.

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