Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Another new look for Ethan

As Ethan's personality changes so does his blog. So it's time for a new look. Ethan has become quite a character. He's a very active little boy with a lot of energy. He reminds me of the Energizer Bunny "He keeps going & going & going...." Ethan has really been full of it this week that's for sure. On Monday he was Mr. Out-of-control. He was all about getting into the no-no's. He was obsessed about climbing onto his toy box then onto the top of the couch & trying to stand. He'd get removed from the couch but he would just go right back to the toy box. All evening he was all about unplugging the night light by the fireplace. He was all about helping me fold his laundry. I would fold it he would throw it all over the living room. He didn't take much of a nap so I was only able to get half his laundry folded. He spent time in his play yard but all he did there was scream. When 9:00 came around we were a bit relieved. But at 10 on the button he woke right up. We calmed him down got him back to sleep but again he was up at 11:45. He was finally down for the night by 12.

Yesterday he was a lot better. He was just happy to run around & play with his toys. He can sure cover a lot of territory on those little legs of his. He went out to dinner with us & then went to grandpa Pauls for a short visit. Fortunately Ethan was down for the night with no problems last night.

Today he's been just as busy. He had lunch with his daddy, then he saw grandma Judy for a moment at her work. While he was having lunch with his daddy he ran into one of the NICU nurses who was there for his birth. She was shocked to see how big he has gotten since she last saw him when he was 3lbs 9oz. He's been a good boy all day but tonight he's a bit of a terror. He's been just running around screaming, climbing onto the couch, pulling poor Carmel's fur. He is just full of energy tonight. Good thing he's loved & so darn cute too. His cuteness is a big help for him when he's being ornery.


wrensmommy said...

love the new look!
glad to hear he has so much little boy energy! :)