Friday, April 10, 2009

Still Sick

Ethan is still not feeling well. His fever was down to 99.1 all day today which is great. But he is just content to sleep in his playpen for the most part. I gave him 4oz of Pedialyte this morning & when he was able to keep that down I gave him applesauce. He kept that down with no problems. Around 1 I gave him some more applesauce & 4oz of formula a half hour later. He kept it down until 3:45. I was really hoping that he was done with the throwing up part. Unfortunately on top of that he now has it coming out his poor little rear end too. At least it's not constant only 2x so far today.

As far as Easter goes we are not sure what we are going to do. We hate to disappoint everyone by not bringing him but his health is more important. If he is doing well tomorrow then we'll bring him with us. We'll just try to keep him as calm & quiet possible.

Now onto the whole issue of his Hyperphe. The challenge was ruined by him getting sick. So we are going to have to start it all over again when he is back to his normal self & normal eating patterns. For now no meats. As far as Easter goes no foods from the table. He hasn't eaten much of anything in the last 3 days. It's going to take time to get him back to eating normally again. For now I am just sticking to his formula & a few fruits of his baby food. Much easier on his tummy.

Matt told me that there have been problems reading the blog with the blue text on the black background. I can not change the background. All I can do is try to be better on changing the color of the text. If I change the background then I have to change the whole blog skin. It takes too long to go through all the different skins & find something fitting for Ethan. There are thousands to go through. I will try to remember to be more contientious of the text color.