Friday, May 1, 2009

Kayleigh is not doing well

There was an update on Kayleigh's blog last night & things have done south for her. Adam & Aimee received a call last night that Kayleigh's brain has started to swell & deteriorate. Fortunately her skull has not completely closed up yet so it can separate & allow for the swelling. The dr's have given her a few days to live. Adam & Aimee are completely lost with this news. Please keep them in your thoughts as they go through this. It has been a long battle for them & it is almost over. My heart breaks for this family. Kayleigh has beaten all the odds when they were against her. Unfortunately she is not going to beat these odds. She is a fighter & will continue to touch peoples lives even in death. Each day I remind Ethan just how much I love him & how much he means to me. I am so fortunate that he was healthy & strong when he was born. I am so thankful that he is home with us where he belongs & that I can wake up each day to his beautiful (handsome) face. Ethan is my little miracle.