Thursday, May 14, 2009

Not too much to report on Ethan. He's just been a busy bee. His days are filled with playing, eating, & sleeping. Right now he is all about getting into the cat toys. We can't tempt him with his own toys apparently the cat toys are just more fun to play with. He is walking all around now holding onto the furniture. He is getting more daring now & actually tries to stand on his own. He stands for about 10 secs before he falls onto the floor. Ethan is all about getting into anything that he can get into. The last few nights he has been all about the lamp in the living room. He won't leave it alone so he keeps ending up getting put into his playpen for a while. Sometimes we just gotta pen him up to get him away from the no-no's. He has started to eat eggs. I mixed a little of his formula into them today to help fluff them up. We ran out of milk last night or I would have used a little milk instead. I think the formula in the eggs didn't taste too good because he kept gagging as soon as the eggs were in his mouth. He does that is something doesn't taste good. Of course he also does this with all his meals. I think he doesn't chew his food before trying to swallow it then he gags. Well at least it forces him to chew his food up. We are giving him more adult food now. By the time he's 1 we will be introducing him to milk. We sort of already started that when we started putting powdered milk in his food. We just give him 1 scoop per meal. It equals out to 1/4 cup per day. We have been using the scooper that comes in his formla cans. we figured 3 scoops is 1/4 cup. Keep an eye out for his invitations they will be put in the mail anytime this week. Perhaps they may already be out. Who knows I'm not telling (wink, wink). Don't forget you can leave comments to the posts. Just click on the comments link at the end of the posts. It will bring up a separate window for you to leave your comments in. If you don't have a google acct you can always leave one anonymously. Ethan loves to hear what people think.

I took these pictures last weekend. He was looking so cute in his Hawiian outfit.

He loves the cat toys more than his own

Playing with the cat's toy

I took this video last weekend because, well, Ethan was just to cute to not to.