Saturday, May 30, 2009

Oh what a day yesterday was. Ethan was in some kind of a funky mood. One minute he would be completely content then all of a sudden he would screech at the top of his lungs in a temper tantrum then after a few mins that would pass & he would be all happy again. It didn't matter what he was doing or if he was already getting his way. I can't say that it was a bad day all together but at the end of the day I was done with the screeching. It was so shrill that it left the ears ringing. He was such a busy boy yesterday. So many things to play with so few hours in the day.

Today is going to be just as busy. A friend of Matt's is holding a b-day party for her daughter & Matt wants to go. Me I don't care either way. Right now Ethan is crawling all over me & watching his daddy mow the lawn from the front window. He loves to watch his daddy. He is all about his daddy at this time. When Matt is at work Ethan is all over the house saying "dadada" like he is looking for dadada. I have to keep reminding him that dadada is at work & will be home soon.

So far it is looking like Ethan will pretty much be able to stay on a fairly normal diet. In the last 2 days he has only taken in 20g - 30g of protein. We don't eat meats every day so neither does he. I think his next test will come back normal (well normal for Ethan) since he is not eating a ton of protein like he was for the last test that came back so high.  I think he is eating a normal amount of protein for a child his size & age. Somedays he can be very picky & will essentially turn his nose up at anything we try to give him & other days he eats everything we give him. We can't force him to eat more than he wants so if he doesn't take in the 50g a day then he doesn't. I'm not going to throw a fit over it. Since his levels were so high at the last test we are keeping an eye on his sleep patterns, & muscle tone. If he were to start sleeping more than he normally does and/or start to show signs of stiff muscles then it is a sign that his levels have been too high for too long & something would have to be done to get them down before damage is done. So far there is nothing noticeable so we aren't concerned at this time.

I still have to find some time to get out & shop for him. Obviously I don't want him to see what he's getting for his b-day. I should be able to get out this weekend as long as Matt doesn't get paged into work. We're getting him a little pool & stuffed Grover. It looks like we are expecting just about everyone at his party as no one has called to tell us they are not coming. Somehow though we have a feeling that there are a lot of people who aren't coming that just didn't bother to let us know. They'll just be missing out on a great time. We'll be going out this week to get the food for his party. We wanted to wait to the very last minute when we had a better idea of how many people we are cooking for.